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zu den Themen Nachfolgeregelung, Mergers & Akquisition, Kapitalbeschaffung für StartUps und Ventures, Impact-/ Philanthropische Investments und Social Entrepreneurship.

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8 Red Flags for Start Up Investors. Are you sure you are not waving any of them?

Looking for your co-founders and finding an investor can be compared to dating in many ways. Investors, for instance, can easily detect these 8 red flags from you. Are you sure you are not waving any of them?


Starting a Small Business or Starting a Start Up. What's the difference?

It's critical that you understand your own business category, so that you dont waste time approaching the wrong type of investor. So ... are you starting a Small Business or are you starting a Start Up, and what's the difference?


What makes innovation successful

At Cisco Live in San Francisco, Silicon Valley entrepreneur Guy Kawasaki, author of "Reality Check," talks about the four qualities of innovation that he believes all successful products need. They are: deep, intelligent, complete, and elegant.


Business of sustainablity has come of age

In 2019, impact investing was a $715 billion global market. Looking beyond the pure financial heft of the market, the number accurately reflects the growing reality among corporates and investors who are seeking to deliver strong financial returns for their shareholders, while building a more equitable world for their stakeholders.


Innovation at the Company Nike

Need is one of the most powerful drivers when it comes to innovation. The urgent need for medical equipment and supplies caused by the Covid-19 pandemic has led to an unprecedented response not only from the medical sector, but also from myriad other industries. From hospitality and motoring to cosmetics and luxury fashion, businesses have come together to bridge the gap between supply and demand in a remarkable show of global solidarity.


Innovation at the Company Sharp

Need is one of the most powerful drivers when it comes to innovation. The urgent need for medical equipment and supplies caused by the Covid-19 pandemic has led to an unprecedented response not only from the medical sector, but also from myriad other industries. From hospitality and motoring to cosmetics and luxury fashion, businesses have come together to bridge the gap between supply and demand in a remarkable show of global solidarity.


Innovation at the Company Beiersdorf

Need is one of the most powerful drivers when it comes to innovation. The urgent need for medical equipment and supplies caused by the Covid-19 pandemic has led to an unprecedented response not only from the medical sector, but also from myriad other industries. From hospitality and motoring to cosmetics and luxury fashion, businesses have come together to bridge the gap between supply and demand in a remarkable show of global solidarity.


Innovation at the Company Prada

Need is one of the most powerful drivers when it comes to innovation. The urgent need for medical equipment and supplies caused by the Covid-19 pandemic has led to an unprecedented response not only from the medical sector, but also from myriad other industries. From hospitality and motoring to cosmetics and luxury fashion, businesses have come together to bridge the gap between supply and demand in a remarkable show of global solidarity.


Innovation at the Company LVMH

Need is one of the most powerful drivers when it comes to innovation. The urgent need for medical equipment and supplies caused by the Covid-19 pandemic has led to an unprecedented response not only from the medical sector, but also from myriad other industries. From hospitality and motoring to cosmetics and luxury fashion, businesses have come together to bridge the gap between supply and demand in a remarkable show of global solidarity.


Innovation at the Company JCB

Need is one of the most powerful drivers when it comes to innovation. The urgent need for medical equipment and supplies caused by the Covid-19 pandemic has led to an unprecedented response not only from the medical sector, but also from myriad other industries. From hospitality and motoring to cosmetics and luxury fashion, businesses have come together to bridge the gap between supply and demand in a remarkable show of global solidarity.


The money’s out there for the right companies and for the right founders.

Don’t let the pandemic intimidate you. The money’s out there for the right companies and for the right founders.


Carve-out - So gelingt die Ausgliederung eines Geschäftsbereichs

Einen Geschäftsbereich auszugliedern und zu verkaufen, planen gerade viele Unternehmen. Doch wann ist ein Carve-out sinnvoll – und wie ermittelt man den Preis, wenn es für den Bereich noch gar keine Finanzkennzahlen gibt?


10 tech trends to watch may have a long-lasting impact beyond the pandemic

During the COVID-19 pandemic, technologies are playing a crucial role in keeping our society functional in a time of lockdowns and quarantines. And these technologies may have a long-lasting impact beyond COVID-19.


Coronavirus - Many of the most iconic companies were forged and shaped during difficult times

This video is about ensuring the health of your business while dealing with potential business consequences of the spreading effects of the virus.


5 startup mistakes when finding investors

We deal with a lot of companies in the process of fundraising. These companies mostly come to us for office hours, and most of the time, their questions revolve around fundraising. These experiences are enough to detect some patterns: the mistakes these companies are making when approaching their fundraising.


5 lessons for a new relationship with the planet

Although the environmental threats we face today are infinitely more complex and global in scale, these two insights – seemingly so obvious now but novel at the time – have only become more salient and more pressing as time has passed.


2019, the year fashion said yes to sustainability with the signing of the Fashion Pact

Traceability in the supply chain, combating climate change, efficient use of water, energy and chemicals, and a more respectful and safe work environment. In the last year, the fashion business has put its commitment to sustainability in black and white. In 2019, the giants of the sector signed several agreements such as the Fashion Pact, the New Plastic Economy or the CEO Agenda 2019 to combat the climate impact of the industry.


How to grow a Small Business (Part II)

Channels of growth that have worked for small businesses


Don't sell your Start-Up too early!

Selling your Start-Up too early could kill it!


What makes millenial investors tick?

The millennials’ approach to investing is different and clever – and, unsurprisingly, influenced by technology and by their social and political concerns.


How to write a killer startup pichdeck

Your pitchdeck should only have 15 slides!


How to grow a Small Business (Part I)

Traction - How any Startup can achieve explosive customer growth! 19 Channels to acquire customers.


15 Startups with the highest paying jobs

Thousands of jobs were posted to AngelList in September of 2019. To make sure you didn't miss any high paying roles, we broke down the startups posting the highest paying jobs in September, and listed them (in no particular order) below.


Climate Change - Canada and Switzland will suffer most!

It doesn’t matter if you’re in a hot or a cold climate, a rich country or a poorer one – unchecked climate change is going to devastate the economy. Canada and Switzerland will suffer most!


Ziele aus Unternehmenskäufen realisieren

Die Synergien können nicht so gehoben werden wie gedacht, die Wettbewerbssituation hat sich nicht so stark verbessert wie erhofft und auch beim Einzug in neue Märkte hapert es – viele Ziele, die Unternehmen sich für die Zeit nach einer Übernahme vornehmen, stellen sich als schwer erreichbar heraus.


Ending the era of dirty textiles

Sustainability has gained a lot of traction in the textile industry over the last few years. Purchase decisions are no longer only made on the basis of fashion and comfort. Consumers are increasingly demanding more eco-friendly textiles.


Multiple Arbitrage geht zu Ende

Wende am M&A-Markt: Der Rückenwind steigender Unternehmensbewertungen ebbt ab. Private-Equity-Häuser sind an der gefürchteten Multiple-Klippe angekommen.


Noch nie ein Unternehmen gekauft

Sie wollen ein Unternehmen kaufen, haben dies aber noch nie gemacht?


Start Up Fundraising 101

Convertible Notes, Equity and Startup Funding Explained


Finding a Co Founder

Starting a Business as a solo founder


Seed Funding for Start Ups

Seed Funding for Startups is hard: How to raise venture capital as an entrepreneur


Auch Unternehmer sind sterblich

Viele Unternehmer schieben das Thema Unternehmensnachfolge auf die lange Bank. Dadurch gefährden sie oft ihr Lebenswerk. Denn ausser der Suche nach einem geeigneten Nachfolger erfordert auch die Unternehmensübergabe Zeit.


Innovative Ocean Financing

The blue economy is of growing importance and gaining momentum amongst policymakers across the world. This is not surprising as the ocean is a significant wealth generator estimated at an annual value of $1.5 trillion per year, making it the world’s seventh largest economy


What is a Social Entrepreneur

Understand what a Social Entrepreneur is!


Verkäufer sitzen am längeren Hebel

Das Pendel am Nachfolge-Markt schlägt nach wie vor zu Gunsten der Verkäufer aus – und diese Verhandlungsmacht zeigt sich auch in den Verkaufsverträgen. Das ist ein Ergebnis der European M&A Study 2019 von CMS. Ausserdem ist die Finanzierung des Kaufpreises im derzeitigen Zinsumfeld für den Käufer wesentlich einfacher möglich, als noch vor wenigen Jahren.


Wachstumsstrategie der Lifebrain

Wie Lifebrain mit Hilfe von Akquisitionen seine Wachstumsstrategie umsetzt


Reasons why Start Ups succeed

The single biggest reasons why start-ups succeed.


Nike of Africa

This African entrepreneur started a footwear business to give meaning to the lives of the many impoverished artisans in her community. The footwear which is made out of condemned tyres have become a global brand that is sold in up to 30 countries worldwide.


Art of Pitching

Die Kunst des erfolgreichen Pitchens


Soundwave - Pitch Deck

Soundwave is a mobile music-discovery co. Soundwave tracks what songs people are listening to on their smartphones and where in real time backed by Mark Cuban and ACT Venture Capital


Worse than plastic - overfishing

What’s killing the oceans.


Yammer - Pitch Deck

Yammer is an enterprise social network established to foster team collaboration, empower employees, and drive business transformation. It enables employees to collaborate in real time across departments, geographies, and business applications. It also helps them create groups to collaborate on projects and share and edit documents.


Business Plan - Harward Business Review

How to Write a Great Business Plan based on the article by William A. Sahlman


Distribution of Start Up Deals among European countries

The number of biomedical startup deals in Europe (2013–2017) is indicated by color shading and shown in absolute numbers on the map. b, The bars represent the number of startup deals (2013–2017) scaled per capita.


Skills for the future

Finland, Switzerland and New Zealand lead the way at teaching skills for the future


UNO Sustainable Development Goals

The Sustainable Development Goals are the blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all. They address the global challenges we face, including those related to poverty, inequality, climate, environmental degradation, prosperity, and peace and justice. The Goals interconnect and in order to leave no one behind, it ís important that we achieve each Goal and target by 2030.


Atlantic Sapphire

Feeding the Future Seafood that’s safe for our seas. Protein that’s better for our planet.


UBER - Pitch Deck

Wie sah das erste Pitch Deck im Jahr 2008 aus


Fintech - What's real and what's hype

Fintech is really a group of technologies that have been emerging in recent years and potentially are going to completely reshape the finance industry


International aid Scores/ Development

These countries give the most aid - and are the most principled about it


Nette Worte sind nicht mehr genug

Eine Meinung von Stefan Mair in der Handelszeitung


Auf was Konzerne beim Kauf von Start Ups achten sollten

Konzerne lechzen nach einer Auffrischung ihrer Innovationspipeline durch Start-ups – und greifen dafür immer öfter zum Mittel der Übernahme. Darauf müssen Konzerne bei der Übernahme von Start-ups achten. Dieser Artikel gibt aber auch gute Hinweise auf was Start-Ups bei der Suche nach einem strategischen Kapitalgeber zu achten haben.



Der nachhaltige Trinkhalm zum Anbeissen.


Mapping: Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Mapping Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Switzerland


100 years till we get gender parity

The 12th edition of the Global Gender Gap Index has been released today with troubling findings. Will it really take 100 years to close the global gender gap?


Digitalisierung - die Risiken und Chancen

Die Risiken sind gross aber die Chancen sind Grösser.


My Swiss Chocolate

Eine schweizer Erfolgsgeschichte


Mapping Impact Investment

Key Issues of Mapping Impact Investing are


Modular Farming

Why Venture Capital likes Modular Farming


Improve inclusion in Philanthropy

Over the past several months, philanthropy has faced rising criticism for its lack of transparency or accountability, perpetuation of wealth inequality, and preservation of a system of exploitation.


Introducing gender lens investing

Introducing gender lens investing. It's more than pink-washing


Capsule Hotel

"The pods turned out to be more spacious than expected. I did not get claustrophobic, but everyone's level of comfort varies in enclosed spaces. How about the rest of the experience? Watch the full video to see the detailed tour!"


The WEB has and will change our lives

That proposal was for an information management system. Behind this unassuming title lay a simple, powerful idea: the world wide web, a way for us to share and find information freely across all of connected humanity.


Fixing a Major Issue in India

How Indian entrepreneur Yogita Agrawal hopes to tackle the issue of hand washing among children and reduce the risk of spreadable diseases.


Feriengestaltung für Kinder Schweiz

Ermöglichung von Freizeit- und Ferientagen für Kinder und Jugendliche, insbesondere sozial benachteiligte Kinder und Jugendliche, durch finanzielle und organisatorische Unterstützung; Anbieten von Ferienlagern sowie Wochenend- und Tagesausflügen an Kinder und Jugendliche.


Learn Easy with UNIPORT

Learn Easy with UNIPORT


6 steps to become a successful social entrepreneur

We believe in the power of social entrepreneurship to decrease unemployment, increase female participation across fields, and bring education. We want to share what we have learnt with you to become a successful social entrepreneur. Where to start and how to get to scaling your solutions to drive impact. The steps that we know will lead to success are: 1. Find your passion 2. Build a team culture 3. Get started 4. Keep at it (how to stay motivated and persevere in difficult times) 5. Fund your venture and grow organically 6. Scale up


Academy of Culinary Arts - Cambodia

Sample for Social Entrepreneurship


Seabin Foundation

Sample for Social Entrepreneurship ... For Cleaner Oceans.


Aiducation International

Sample for Social Entrepreneurship


Mapping Social Entrepreneurship

Key Issues of Mapping Social Entrepreneurship are:


Investitionen in saubere Technologien steigen an

Egal, wo man hinschaut, es gibt gute Nachrichten für Startups im Cleantech-Sektor in diesem Jahr. Nach fast einem Jahrzehnt der Stagnation erlebt der Sektor eine Renaissance der Finanzierung, wobei immer mehr Startups von dem wiedererwachten Interesse der Investoren an erneuerbaren Energien profitieren.